In the fourth season of the animated series Monster High, Clawdeen Wolf is a student at the school. She is a werewolf with a big head of dark hair, purple dress, and platform shoes. Her siblings include an older brother named Clawd and a younger sister named Howleen. They share a pet werewolf called Cresent, who is soft and cuddly. She has been a popular student at Monster High since the second season, but has a dark secret of her own.
The second season features a whole new cast of characters. The main villain of the show, Draculaura, makes a cameo in the first episode of the third season. She is the first girl to be named Clawdeen and is determined to make her the Scream Queen. Her prank on Frankie during Truth or Scare causes Frankie to be grounded for a week. This episode follows the story of Lagoona, who gets trapped in a ghoul's house and is forced to clean up the mess.
The second season also featured a new character, Robecca Steam. This robot was created by a mad scientist and is a collectible toy. A new character, Hoodude Voodoo, was introduced in 2012. She looks like a rag doll, and she was created by Frankie. This episode also introduced a new villain, named Slugg. She is also a recurring character on the show, but she isn't a monster.